Waiting Lists.

I had contacted Larry Kenney in 2012 about purchasing one of his rods and he explained to me that he didn’t make a lot of rods anymore but still did so on his own schedule. When you’re as good as Larry you can do that. Mr. Kenney was hired by Harry Wilson in 1975 as the first employee at Scott fly rods. He continued with Scott until 1996 and his years of experience are evident in his tapers and aesthetics. His rods exude an understated classiness. I lined this 8’6″ 6wt with a Rio Grand 6 and walked down to the river. One cast and I had an ear to ear smile on my face. It’s a strong rod with a lot of power but it’s also delicate. A rod that I could just cast for a long time without even thinking about fishing. Here are a few pictures…enjoy.

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Thanks for reading.